Dr. David A. Vitberg, MD
David A. Vitberg MD, serves as the Director of Medical Services for Realistic Training
Solutions. Dr. Vitberg is the Medical Director of the Baltimore County Tactical Team and
Associate Medical Director of the Baltimore County Fire Department with twenty plus years
of fire and EMS experience. Dr. Vitberg graduated Upstate Medical University with honors,
completed his combined residency in Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine at the
University of Maryland Medical Center and R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, and
then completed a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.
He is triple board certified in Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Critical Care
Dr. Vitberg is the Director of Medical & Surgical Critical Care Medicine at Greater Baltimore
Medical Center. He is one of six physicians in the State of Maryland serving on the R
Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Go Team. Vitberg is also a Lead Editor for the 11th Edition of
the AAOS 'Orange Book' Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured - the
most widely read EMT textbook in the nation. Between shifts in the Emergency Room and
Intensive Care Unit, Dr. Vitberg frequently responds to emergencies throughout Baltimore
County and with the Maryland State Police Aviation Command as a physician on the
Go Team. Vitberg has published articles on advanced airway management in the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, original
research on septic shock and anthrax toxicity in Critical Care Medicine, and contributed to various publications in Emergency Medicine Clinics. He has lectured both nationally and internationally on topics in Critical Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Vitberg has served as a TCCC instructor for the DEA and trains regularly with the Baltimore County tactical team medics.